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Pull the plug on wired buskers

Dear Editor: I love street musicians. If I am not rushing somewhere, I will stand and listen till the cows come home, and I usually pay for the pleasure.

Dear Editor:

I love street musicians.

If I am not rushing somewhere, I will stand and listen till the cows come home, and I usually pay for the pleasure. But I cannot stand it when they are plugged in to an amp (Busker Takes on City Noise Bylaws, Aug. 5, North Shore News).

I was at the North Vancouver City Library last month, sitting around the fountain, and this woman was blaring out her songs from an amp. I couldn't get away from it; I could still hear her music from 15th and Lonsdale. That's not fair. If she wants to play that loud, she should rent a hall and sell tickets.

I love listening to street musicians, but give people the choice as to whether or not they want to hear them.

Adele O'Kill North Vancouver