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Our trash is not someone else's problem

Dear Editor: I appreciated seeing the letter you published Aug. 10, Critics Who Trash Waste Incineration Need Filling In.

Dear Editor:

I appreciated seeing the letter you published Aug. 10, Critics Who Trash Waste Incineration Need Filling In.

Similarly to what we witnessed during the Distrcit of North Vancouver's OCP process, a number of shrill, self-righteous and uninformed voices have attempted to drown out forward-looking initiatives that were based in science and fact.

Many of those claiming the desire to protect themselves and the environment from the incinerator emissions are quite content to allow far higher levels of a range of dangerous pollutants and GHGs to contaminate someone else's backyard, particularly if these landfills are on native lands. It is another form of NIMBYism in its most hypocritical and morally bankrupt form.

Similar to the situation with sewage treatment, we cannot continue to simply flush the problems away and pretend it is someone else's problem. That someone else is ultimately most likely to be our own children.

Politicians need to demonstrate leadership and move beyond parochial, short-term perspectives and draw the public discourse into a wider, informed context on these essential issues.

Douglas Curran, North Vancouver