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MPs deserve a break - sort of

Dear Editor: Courage, integrity and honesty.

Dear Editor:

Courage, integrity and honesty. North Shore Conservative MPs have been in the hot seat recently for their support of Bill C-38, their untimely or non-existent responses to their constituents and the closure of the Kitsilano coast guard station. Isn't it time we gave Mr. Weston and Mr. Saxton a break? After all, their continued displays of courage, integrity and honesty have been a shining light on the Canadian political scene.

It takes courage to stand your ground in the face of increasingly local and vocal opposition to your government's corporately funded agenda to dismantle many of the protective laws and traditions Canadian hold dear - even more so to vote lockstep with your colleagues who have taken to labelling environmental and First Nations groups as ''terrorists."

It takes integrity to humour and placate a group of West Vancouver stream conservationists, only to turn around and vote for an omnibus bill that will remove existing laws meant to protect the very habitats they care about. Not to worry though: What needs protecting is a fragile recovering economy and their future corporate board positions - er, I mean jobs for Canadians.

Finally, there is honesty. It takes an honest man to suggest that billions of dollars in fighter jet cost discrepancies are merely a difference in accounting practices. Being one of the top men on the file, Saxton is clearly in the know about these things.

So, let's give these two hard working MPs a break (beyond the occasional prorogation of Parliament). Clearly they are looking out for our best interests . . . unless you disagree with Conservative government policies, in which case, you're dead to them.

Cory Kinney North Vancouver