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Most runners careful in the dark

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to Malcolm Barnes Oct. 16 letter, Runners in the Dark Tempt Fate. I am one of the runners that run out of the Westview Running Room.

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to Malcolm Barnes Oct. 16 letter, Runners in the Dark Tempt Fate.

I am one of the runners that run out of the Westview Running Room. I do wear black running shorts or capri pants and light or fluorescent coloured shirts or vests. Almost all running clothing has reflective strips as do the running shoes. Most runners I know, believe this alone is not enough and wear flashing lights or more reflective armbands. I wear a flashing red light on the back of my hat and a head lamp in the front.

I cannot speak for the other run clubs or to runners that run in unaffiliated groups, but at the Westview Running Room we are encouraged to wear reflection. Runners, I think, as a whole are careful about where and how they run. The Running Room routes are carefully chosen for lighting and sidewalk access when the winter months arrive.It is when drivers are not attentive and are more concerned with getting home or getting the kids to practice that problems arise.On any given night I am more vulnerable to being hit by a car, than a car is of being hit by me, a runner. A fact of which I and every other runner out there are very cognizant. We runners are generally respectful of our shared roadway.

Now if only some drivers were just as respectful.

Lisa Brown

North Vancouver