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Lynn Valley highrise proposals surprise some

Dear Editor: Lynn Valley residents are very upset over the proposals to build highrises in the town centre.

Dear Editor:

Lynn Valley residents are very upset over the proposals to build highrises in the town centre. Currently a flyer campaign is under way to inform Lynn Valley residents about a possible future, where Lynn Valley might look more like Manhattan than a small little town in the boonies. Even though the district's community planner and the Sustainable Community Development Department assure they have done everything possible to inform the public about the decision to build highrises in Lynn Valley, the residents are surprised and angry.

The proposal clearly violates the OCP (official community plan) and you wonder how the Lynn Valley Community Association, which helped to establish the OCP, feels about the fact that the district is about to ignore all the public input and work that went into the OCP, but there is nothing but silence.

A close look at the members' list makes it clear why there is no answer. The LVCA is dominated by real estate companies and large-scale developers. It seems like the LVCA is a victim of its own success and has lost the connection to the community.

Now Lynn Valley residents have to take matters into their own hands and phone and contact municipal officials and make their voice heard and hope that someone is home to listen.

Alex Schwarz North Vancouver