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LV density shift worth referendum

Dear Editor: I write in response to Mayor Richard Walton's letter, DNV Welcomes L. Valley Input, published Oct. 17 in the North Shore News.

Dear Editor:

I write in response to Mayor Richard Walton's letter, DNV Welcomes L. Valley Input, published Oct. 17 in the North Shore News.

He wrote: "We are fortunate in the district to enjoy active involvement by our citizens - thousands of participants took part in the process leading up to OCP adoption. Their valuable input will continue to guide us as we enter the implementation phase."

I was at more than half of these meetings and opposed the OCP. My comments and written submissions were ignored.

"Glossy brochures" regarding the implementation of "densification" in Lynn Valley were produced before the so-called "public process."

Mayor Walton says "thousands of participants" took part in the process. Previously, at election meetings, he has said between 3,000 and 4,000.

There are 60,450 eligible voters in the District of North Vancouver. How is this democracy? Why didn't this project go to a referendum on the November municipal ballot?

The residents of Lynn Valley do not want highrises.

Wendy Qureshi North Vancouver