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Letter: With Argyle's turf field ready, Handsworth must be next

It makes no sense for Handsworth Secondary to be without a field for its soccer, field hockey, football, rugby and ultimate teams, this former coach says
Handsworth Wants Artificial Turf PM web
This photo from April of 2022 shows Handsworth students Cameryn Jensen, Henry Newland, Mairen Madill and Brennan Madill asking for a turf field to be built to serve the schools many sports teams. More than a year and a half later, the athletic program is still asking.

Dear Editor:

The new Argyle turf field is good news for the Argyle students and community teams. Now: what about Handsworth?

I coached girls soccer at Handsworth from 2012 until my retirement in June of 2023. Most years there were approximately 70 girls playing soccer for the school on three teams. Not once did Handsworth host a game at the school, because it did not have a suitable field.

The old field was in such poor condition that we could not use it even for practices. We tried, and a girl suffered a sprained ankle from stepping in a hole.

The “field” now in place is not suitable for any teams and may only be used for some PE classes.

Handsworth has a robust athletics program, and the school’s soccer, field hockey, rugby, football and ultimate teams all need a turf field. Council has promised it. Let’s get it done.

Brian Gibbard
North Vancouver