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LETTER: Thank you, 'beautiful ladies,' for coming to aid of Lynn Valley senior

Dear Editor: On Thursday, Nov. 6, while walking home from an appointment with his eye doctor, one of our residents tripped and fell, injuring his hip. He was on the sidewalk, obviously unable to get up, and a passing motorist stopped to lend a hand.

Dear Editor:

On Thursday, Nov. 6, while walking home from an appointment with his eye doctor, one of our residents tripped and fell, injuring his hip. He was on the sidewalk, obviously unable to get up, and a passing motorist stopped to lend a hand. This was just at the base of the on-ramp from Lynn Valley Road, heading up to the westbound Upper Levels highway - a precarious place to stop, but nonetheless she did. She helped the gentleman to his feet, and called the receptionist, after learning from the gentleman where he lives. It was only a couple of minutes before one of our staff arrived with a car to take him home, but in that time her car was bumped from behind by a second driver turning up the on-ramp. While she tended to her car, a second lady Samaritan appeared, walking her dog, and helped to get our injured man into the vehicle. He did need some medical attention, and I am grateful that I live in a community with kind and thoughtful people like these two beautiful ladies. Good karma is coming your way.

Jim Stewart

Sunrise of Lynn Valley