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LETTER: Slap developers with a cost charge to help pay for transit

Dear Editor: Let’s have a development cost charge for TransLink. One way to address the need for transit expansion is to get the funding at the source of the problem. We need more transit because of regional and municipal growth in population.

Dear Editor:

Let’s have a development cost charge for TransLink.

One way to address the need for transit expansion is to get the funding at the source of the problem.

We need more transit because of regional and municipal growth in population.

Transit improvement projects should be treated as infrastructure.

It serves as vital a role as other infrastructure such as roadways and sewer pipes.

Municipalities and Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District already assess development cost charges on developments that add more density so that they can build the supporting infrastructure — before the population moves in.

Obviously, these problems with densification are already recognized, and are being at least partially addressed with DCC.

If the municipalities controlled their own transit DCC collections, transit improvement providers might be more responsive.

It’s time our elected representatives stood up to the few developers who are making millions with their dense developments at the expense and inconvenience of existing residents, and make them pony up for the cost of expanded transit that their developments demand.

All residents would then need only pay for the ongoing costs of operations and maintenance.

This is a fair way to address this impasse while still allowing densification to continue, but only where local communities desire it.

Frankly, I don’t see why this has not been done already.

If we need legislation then lets do it, rather than legislate a new sales tax. Our sales tax is too high and it penalizes people for shopping locally.

Don Bryant
North Vancouver