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LETTER: It's time to train, test and license cyclists on our roads

Dear Editor: Almost an overflow of opinions in the media miss an important priority. To have cycling paths or not to have them is a minor issue. The government and/or ICBC must address the need for mandatory licensing and insurance for cyclists.

Dear Editor:

Almost an overflow of opinions in the media miss an important priority. To have cycling paths or not to have them is a minor issue. The government and/or ICBC must address the need for mandatory licensing and insurance for cyclists. There have been at least four recent serious incidents of injury caused to pedestrians by a cyclist. In most cases, the cyclists do not have insurance, which puts a lot of costly stress upon the pedestrian. Cyclists should be treated exactly the same as a motorist. They need to be trained, tested, licensed (with an ID plate), then insured. They should also be policed. Riding on sidewalks, using pedestrian crossings to avoid a red light and refusing to wear helmets should be penalized in the same way a motorist is penalized. If cyclists wish for more respect, they must also accept the responsibility that earns respect.

Harry Mayor

West Vancouver