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LETTER: Highrises would bring traffic gridlock

Dear Editor : My property is on Lynn valley Road opposite the mall. I would like to express my serious objections to this development. I am a long term resident of Lynn valley and have watched it become more and more congested over the years.

Dear Editor:

My property is on Lynn valley Road opposite the mall. I would like to express my serious objections to this development.

I am a long term resident of Lynn valley and have watched it become more and more congested over the years.I realize that people need to live somewhere, and I fully appreciate that Lynn valley is a beautiful place to live. However, it has become impossible to get around with the growing volume of cars, delivery vans, emergency vehicles, etc.If there is no plan set in place to accommodate the further traffic that this development will cause, there will be total gridlock.

The traffic noise on Lynn valley Road has increased considerably over the past few years, going from normal for a busy road, to lines of traffic with their engines idling, while they sit at the traffic lights, right outside our windows.

There have been a lot of new developments in the area in the past 10 years and this has already had a major effect on residents. to build up a small place like this, supplying noinfrastructure (roads, schools, recreation) is total madness, and is destroying quality of life in the area.

There are only two ways in and out of Lynn valley, and so all the traffic passes our homes.

I can only think of the nightmarish scenario when the highrises are built, with all the extra people, traffic, delivery trucks, not to mention the actual construction traffic. So unless there are plans (apart from the developers making big money) to deal with these other issues, I am totally against this development going ahead.

Yes, we all need to live somewhere, but let us make it somewhere where all considerations and voices are heard.

Jennifer Mould

North Vancouver