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Letter: Check out the menu for Christmas dinner on a ship home after victory in WWII

This letter writer says our Time Traveller feature brought back memories of his father, a North Shore doctor who served in the Second World War
Here is the menu for Christmas dinner on a Victory Ship taking soldiers home through the Panama Canal following the Second World War in December of 1945. | courtesy Peter Therrien

Dear Editor:

Re: Time Traveller: Christmas dinner aboard a Victory Ship in North Vancouver

It was interesting seeing the headline to your recent Time Traveller article. My father, Dr. E. Therrien, was one of the first doctors on the North Shore. In his early days of practice during the Depression he often traded medical services for whatever the patients could afford, or nothing at all.

He joined the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps during the Second World War and was stationed principally in Belgium. On his return post-war he was on a Victory Ship in December of 1945 and was in the Panama Canal for Christmas. Attached is the menu for the Christmas dinner.

Thanks for bringing back memories with your Time Traveller articles.

Peter Therrien
North Vancouver