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Dress correctly and play in the rain

Dear Editor: Regarding your front page story on May 24, Open Playgrounds Anger NV Parents: As a retired teacher and a parent of three children brought up on the North Shore, I feel I must comment on the current concerns of many 21st-century parents.

Dear Editor:

Regarding your front page story on May 24, Open Playgrounds Anger NV Parents:

As a retired teacher and a parent of three children brought up on the North Shore, I feel I must comment on the current concerns of many 21st-century parents. We are inundated in the media about childhood obesity, lack of activity in our children, their obsession with computer games and other sedentary pursuits which result in a reluctance to get out into the community and fresh air to play.

Growing up in England in an extremely damp climate and immigrating to B.C. in the early '70s, I can never understand the fear of rain. Yes, it is wet. Yes, children do get wet playing outside. But believe me, most young children would rather be out there in the rain and "storms" than huddling under cover because mommy has told them to keep dry and supervised indoors in the classroom through recess and lunch.

In England we have a saying, "There is no bad weather, only poor clothing." Dress your children according to the season and the weather forecast. Send them outside to endure and enjoy the elements, splash through the puddles and get beyond this irrational fear of the B.C. weather.


Alison Precious North Vancouver