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Don't put L. Valley in shadow

Dear Editor: I have looked at the development that is being proposed for the Lynn Valley Shopping Centre and I would like to point out that the artist renditions do not represent the reality of living with highrises in Lynn Valley.

Dear Editor:

I have looked at the development that is being proposed for the Lynn Valley Shopping Centre and I would like to point out that the artist renditions do not represent the reality of living with highrises in Lynn Valley.

Consider the dramatic effects of the shadow cast by the 288 foot/24-storey tower (proposed two storeys retail with 22 residential storeys above):

? The shadow cast at the winter solstice is a minimum of 930 feet at noon. At 9 a.m. and 3: 15 p.m. on that date, the shadow for a 288 foot building is 2,880 feet long (over a half a mile in length).

? On the equinoxes (March 21 and Sept. 21) the shadow would be 330 feet at noon, and 610 feet at 9 a.m. and 3: 45 p.m.

The length of the shadow in late December at noon is three times the height of the building, and longer at other times of the day. This is the shadow of one tower. The parking area of the mall, businesses and residences across the street will pay a price of having less direct sunlight.

Shadows strongly affect the micro climate: it will feel noticeably colder in the shadowed area. Many tall buildings will also change wind flow in the mall area. In some cases buildings will intensify the wind. This is what happens in cities: some corners become windier.

Like many longtime residents, I wish to retire here. It is vital that we continue to grow, renew and redevelop. The village/ library square is a good example of a welcome addition. I love to walk through the square and see the young families with their children. I do not wish to retire here if Lynn Valley becomes indistinguishable from any other development. I do not want to live in shadows.

A community where the buildings are taller than the trees is not the community that I love. It is interchangeable with any other community and has lost what is unique and special.

The issue is clear and the message is simple: Please, revitalize but no highrises in Lynn Valley Centre.

Sign a petition, speak up, attend a council meeting - do what you can to let the district council know what this community wants.

Denyse Holme, North Vancouver