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Carload of Samaritans to the rescue

Dear Editor: I would like to say thank you to the carload of young guys who came to my rescue on the evening of Friday, July 26.

Dear Editor: I would like to say thank you to the carload of young guys who came to my rescue on the evening of Friday, July 26.

My daughter, a friend and I were in my van, bumper to bumper with all of the traffic crawling along Marine Drive heading towards the Lions Gate Bridge. All of a sudden my van began filling up with thick white smoke and within seconds we couldn't see our hands in front of our faces. Thinking that the vehicle was about to burst into flames we all jumped out of it. When the smoke subsided I had no choice but to leave it where it landed much to the dismay of the cars lining up behind me. In the lane next to me I noticed a group of young guys hopping out of their vehicle. Within seconds they lined up across the back of my van and began pushing it, at least a kilometre along Marine Drive and into the London Drugs parking lot. Although I offered them a little cash to put towards their evening out, they refused to take it.

They went out of their way, were kind, generous of their time and helped me to get out of a very difficult situation.

Thank you! Glenda Hofmann

West Vancouver