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Capilano Pet Hospital's closure saddens

Dear Editor: I write regarding the Friday, July 19 story in the North Shore News, Pet Clinic Closure Shocks Owners, regarding the closure of Capilano Pet Hospital. I have been bringing my cats to Capilano Pet Hospital for more than 20 years.

Dear Editor: I write regarding the Friday, July 19 story in the North Shore News, Pet Clinic Closure Shocks Owners, regarding the closure of Capilano Pet Hospital.

I have been bringing my cats to Capilano Pet Hospital for more than 20 years. Years ago, I was introduced to these veterinarians by my mother-inlaw, who brought her cat there.

Capilano Pet Hospital is an important part of this community. Eight thousand households in North Vancouver bring their pets to this friendly, skilled group of professionals. My present two cats had a difficult start in life, and the patience and persistence

of the veterinarians and staff led to them being happy and healthy at 15 years old.

I depend on the service offered at CPH, and am rather stunned by the closure of this facility. I won't go to another veterinary service owned by Associate Veterinary Clinics; this company has made decisions that negatively impact my life, and that of my cats, as well as those of many citizens in this community.

It's also a sad day regarding fair treatment of workers if this veterinary clinic is being closed because of very recent unionization of staff. We will never know for sure.

Laurie Parkinson

North Vancouver