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Bus plan would waste waterfront

Dear Editor: I would like to respond to Belinda Lyons's letter suggesting the North Vancouver bus depot be relocated to the Harbourside property south of the Auto Mall in place of the 800-unit development proposed for the site (Harbourside for Bus Ba

Dear Editor:

I would like to respond to Belinda Lyons's letter suggesting the North Vancouver bus depot be relocated to the Harbourside property south of the Auto Mall in place of the 800-unit development proposed for the site (Harbourside for Bus Barn, June 6, North Shore News). Her suggestion is like saying: 'Let's put a bus depot on False Creek.'

Harbourside is among the most expensive real estate in Canada and probably the most scenic. It's bad enough that there is already a car lot near this coveted property (thanks Jimmy). I'm sure the bus drivers will appreciate the view when they come in to drop off their buses at night.

What happened to putting the bus depot at the old train station at the foot of Pemberton Street? Eight hundred units may be too many, but if done right, this could be the North Shore's False Creek.

Brian Epp North Vancouver