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Brighten up chemo department

Dear Editor: Your June 19 Sunday Focus story on Dr. Paul Klimo, Last Call, was excellent. Another excellent tribute to Dr.

Dear Editor:

Your June 19 Sunday Focus story on Dr. Paul Klimo, Last Call, was excellent.

Another excellent tribute to Dr. Klimo would be an overall update of the LGH chemo department where patients have to sit for hours, sometimes all day, while their medicine drips into their veins. The area is so clinical, it's depressing. The chairs are outdated and depressing. The paint colour is depressing. I speak from experience -- and I was fortunate; I only had to wait while one drug was injected, along with the anti-nausea medication.

If I had had to sit in that chemo department for five days a week for weeks or months on end, I would've ended up being severely depressed. There is nothing in that area to provide stimulation to the mind or the eyes. You feel like you're a lab rat.

Arlene S. King

North Vancouver