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Ambleside's assets worth a council visit

Dear Editor: It was with great dismay and disappointment that I read the March 13 story in the North Shore News, Council Embraces Ideas for Revitalizing Ambleside. Sophia Burke, in particular, expressed "There's nothing in Ambleside that is any draw.

Dear Editor:

It was with great dismay and disappointment that I read the March 13 story in the North Shore News, Council Embraces Ideas for Revitalizing Ambleside.

Sophia Burke, in particular, expressed "There's nothing in Ambleside that is any draw. There are no fun restaurants and there's nothing there to draw anyone. There's horrible small little stores there that I don't even know how they exist right now."

The area should be outfitted with bike and pedestrian access leading to worthy shops and restaurants, according to Burke.

According to the story, her input was echoed by more than 10 other speakers Monday night and council agreed with them.

I am stunned to have my business classed as a "horrible little store." The Avant Gardener at 1460 Marine Drive has customers from across Canada and the United States who make a point of visiting the store when they are in town. Not to mention the scores of faithful customers from North and West Vancouver who constantly voice their appreciation for what we do, and support us by shopping in my store. They notice the care and attention given to creating an inviting environment, in great part due to the creative genius of Georgina Horrobin who has been employed to do our display for 26-years.

My customers enjoy the store as a community gathering place, and constantly remark how wonderful it is to have a local business owner as opposed to a large chain store, and to enjoy a free-standing store in a heritage building, as opposed to a mall. How many stores have a trellised back patio with an 80-year-old hops plant climbing up the back wall of the building?

I would also like to point out that I have a caring and kind local landlord, who is a part-owner of my building as well as owning the three other "horrible little stores" next door: Flowers by Nan, Yamazaki and Amadeo Bakehouse, long-time businesses with owner/operators. The landlord is not interested in "developing" the land, but enjoys the "village" atmosphere of her properties. She monitors the condition of her buildings and attends to upkeep before being asked.

As to "no fun restaurants" we have two of West Van's most popular restaurants on our block: Carmelo's and Thai Pudpong. They must be doing something right, as they are always full.

Also in the 1400-block are Jason's Neighbour's Choice Farm Market, the fine clothing store, Leslie Jane - 34 years and still going strong, and Village Fish, 70 years - and still first class.

If councillors are serious about improving Ambleside, they need to start with acknowledging their assets in businesses such as ours, instead of supporting such negative comments at public meetings.

I think perhaps Sophia Burke and council members should actually pay a visit to our friendly businesses in Ambleside. They might be surprised at the wealth of resources here.

Darlene Sanders, owner/operator, The Avant Gardener, West Vancouver