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All that glisters. .

With the North Vancouver school board only entertaining offers from housing developers for the Ridgeway Annex property, the old school's future and potential are all but sealed.

With the North Vancouver school board only entertaining offers from housing developers for the Ridgeway Annex property, the old school's future and potential are all but sealed.

In its short list, the board booted out an offer from a childcare firm along with another developer whose offer didn't look as good. The happy short list proponents apparently made offers more in keeping with the school board's "vision and values."

We won't know until after a decision is made exactly what each proponent brought to the table but it's a good bet it has more to do with land values than educational values.

Subdividing the property for houses will pretty much slam the door on the possibility of a long-term lease for the property, leaving behind a steady stream of revenue and the chance to keep the asset in public hands.

Meanwhile the City of North Vancouver is facing increasing public discontent for upping the density in development in exchange for badly needed childcare space.

So, we have a desperate need for more space and staff to mind our kids, a growing segment of the community outraged over trading density for that space, and a school district that's passing on a great opportunity for childcare in favour of residential development.

This appears to be a gigantic lost opportunity for co-operation between the city and the school district to meet community needs, while keeping the community happy, all for the allure of a quick pay-out.