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A pledge to John Weston

Dear Editor: MP John Weston poses a disingenuous question in his recent letter to the North Shore News regarding the environment and the transport of oil (Oil, Environment Can Be on Same Team, July 29): "How many of us, right now, are taking signific

Dear Editor:

MP John Weston poses a disingenuous question in his recent letter to the North Shore News regarding the environment and the transport of oil (Oil, Environment Can Be on Same Team, July 29): "How many of us, right now, are taking significant steps in our lives to reduce our oil dependency?" he asks.

Whatever merit his observations may have to the general discussion about pipelines, his argument is just silly in relation to the proposed Northern Gateway project. How's this for a "significant step": I'm prepared to pledge to use zero per cent of the bitumen that will be shipped to China via this pipeline.

Michael DeKoven North Vancouver