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School bus safety

When September rolls around, school buses will be back on the streets.

When September rolls around, school buses will be back on the streets.

Travel by school bus is 16 times safer than travelling in a family car per passenger per kilometre of travel, according to a study by Transport Canada, noted the Canada Safety Council in a recent press release.

In addition, each school bus made and imported into Canada has approximately 40 standard safety features built into the design and construction. These include specialized brake systems, lighting, emergency exits, escape hatches in the roof, and high padded seatbacks that cushion the impact of a crash.

It is most common for injuries to be sustained once children are outside the bus, stated the release. Children may be hit by their own school bus or other vehicles, underlining the need for all motorists to abide by the laws and watch out for student pedestrians and bicyclists.

The Highway Traffic Act in each province and territory states that every driver approaching from both directions toward a school bus with overhead red signal lights flashing, must stop and shall not proceed until the bus moves or the overhead red signal lights have stopped flashing (except on highways separated by a median strip, whereby oncoming traffic is not required to stop). Also, school buses are required by law to stop at all railway crossings; motorists should likewise be prepared to stop behind school buses.

The safety council offered the following tips and information for motorists about school bus safety.

Abide by the school bus traffic laws.

Watch for children running to catch their bus. They have been known to pay little regard to their own safety and may dart out into traffic.

Respect the crossing guards and slow down in school zones.

During the school year, be especially cautious during periods of the day when students are travelling to and from home.

Watch for cyclists and pedestrians on roadways.

When turning at intersections, watch out for students using the crosswalks.

Teach your own children about safe conduct in roadways and on school buses.