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Sailor faces porn charges

A sailor from a Hong Kong-registered freighter has been charged with possession of child pornography after Canadian Border Services officers noticed images on his laptop during a check of the ship in North Vancouver.

A sailor from a Hong Kong-registered freighter has been charged with possession of child pornography after Canadian Border Services officers noticed images on his laptop during a check of the ship in North Vancouver.

The sailor, 47-year-old Haimin Yang, is a crewmember on board the bulk freighter Ci Yun Shan.

Border services officers discovered the images, believed to be child pornography, while it was docked at Neptune Terminals.

They alerted North Vancouver RCMP, who then boarded the vessel and seized the laptop.

Yang was charged July 4 and released on $2,000 bail with conditions that he not be allowed to have a computer with Internet access while in Canada and that he not be alone with anyone under 18 while in Canada.

The freighter left the port July 7.

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