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Options for voluteers

THE FOLLOWING is a selection of volunteer opportunities from various community organizations, made available through Volunteer North Shore, a service of North Shore Community Resources Society.

THE FOLLOWING is a selection of volunteer opportunities from various community organizations, made available through Volunteer North Shore, a service of North Shore Community Resources Society.

One-to-One Visitor: Volunteers are needed to visit residents of Capilano Care Centre on a one-to-one basis. This position is flexible as visiting times are determined by the resident and volunteer. A commitment of one visit per week on a three month minimum basis is required.

Driver: Volunteer drivers needed to assist seniors who are unable to use public transit or the Go Bus and when HandyDart, family or friends are not available. Drivers will accompany the senior door to door and to and from the waiting room of appointments. Volunteers are not allowed to attend appointments with patients.

Mentor: Positive, caring, reliable adults willing to share a couple of hours a week with a kid who could really benefit from company are needed. Volunteers are assigned a young person of the same gender, who they see on a weekly basis. They work at developing a supportive relationship by engaging them in community activities.

Good Stuff Connection Volunteer: North Shore Crisis Services Society is looking for a volunteer to sort and bag items that are being passed on to other non-profit agencies. Volunteer position does not include working in actual thrift store, but preparing items for the store.

General Resource Centre Volunteer: North Shore Women's Centre seeks a volunteer to help out in the library, organize resource materials and help with faxing, filing and photocopying. Volunteer might also assist with special events.

If you are interested in these or other possible volunteer opportunities, call 604-9857138. The society is a partner agency of the United Way.