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NV residents team up for lung health

KENN Jessiman was among the North Shore residents who recently took to their bikes to ride 200 kilometres in support of lung health. It was the North Vancouver resident's second time participating in the B.C.

KENN Jessiman was among the North Shore residents who recently took to their bikes to ride 200 kilometres in support of lung health.

It was the North Vancouver resident's second time participating in the B.C. Lung Association's 28th Annual Bicycle Trek for Life and Breath, a two-day ride from White Rock to Cultus Lake and back in support of lung health and clean air held last month. Jessiman heard about the event last year from his Calgary-based sister, Laurie MacAdams, an avid cyclist who asked if he'd take part with her. The fundraiser has personal meaning as their father has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). MacAdams' son Jeff also participated this year, according to a press release.

Jessiman raised $2,600 for the cause. Other North Vancouverites who took part include Beverley Arduini, Jane Lucas, Maeve and Rhiannon Murphy, Darrell Farrow and Elizabeth McLean. Together, North Vancouver residents contributed more than $12,500 to the $200,000 raised this year. Info:

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