Pitch-In BC: Registration is now open to get involved with this year's campaign to pick up litter in the community April 21-27. Registration: pitch-in.ca or 1-877-PITCH-IN. Groups wanting to receive free Pitch-In week bags for their project must register by March 15. Ease Into E-Books: Learn the basics about library e-books at a free information session Wednesday, Jan. 30, 7-8 p.m. at Parkgate library, 3675 Banff Court, North Vancouver. Registration: 604929-3727.
Parenting Lecture Series: Parenting expert Christopher Burt will give a series of lectures about issues that affect parents of preschool, elementary and teenage children. Promoting Peer Social Competence with Preschoolers will take place Wednesday, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. at the North Shore Jewish Community Centre, 1305 Taylor Way, West Vancouver. Admission: $35 per couple, $20 per person. Info and registration: 604-9256488 or [email protected]. Small Business Workshop: FocalPoint Business Coaching will host a free workshop Wednesday, Jan. 30, 5: 307: 30 p.m. at Hollyburn Country Club, 950 Cross Creek Rd., West Vancouver. Learn how to improve business as it relates to increasing revenues and team effectiveness. For details, call 604-616-8733 or visit the website carolfraser. focalpointcoaching.com.
Author Reading: Robert Janning will read from his recently self-published first book Westcoast Reign: The British Columbia Soccer Championships, 1892-1905 Thursday, Jan. 31, 7-8: 30 p.m. at Lynn Valley library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. Registration required: 604987-0286, ext. 8144. Lynn Valley Parent Participation Preschool will hold an open house Saturday, Feb. 2, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 3220 Mountain Hwy., North Vancouver. Children welcome, refreshments served. Come by and meet the teachers and check out the school. Info: 604-785-6697.
Pacific Arbour Speaker Series: New York Times columnist David Carr will talk about truth and lies in life and art Sunday, Feb. 3, 7: 30 p.m. at Capilano University Performing Arts Theatre, 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver. Admission: $28/$25. Tickets: 604-990-7810 or capilanou. ca/nscucentre.
A North Wind is Blowing - Why Should You Care?:
The West Vancouver Community Centres Society is hosting a forum on Dialogue and Learning Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7: 30 p.m. at the West Vancouver Community Centre, 2121 Marine Dr. This is a unique opportunity to hear from experts about what is happening in northern B.C. and how it impacts the southwestern corner of the province. Registration required: [email protected] (name, address and number of seats). Info: wvcommunitycentressociety.ca.
Canadian Federation of University Women - North Vancouver: Internationally acclaimed Canadian soprano Robyn Driedger-Klassen will speak at the club's meeting Thursday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, 123 West 15th St., North Vancouver. A teacher at the Vancouver Academy of Music and Vancouver International Song Institute, Robyn will talk about balancing her career and motherhood and promoting contemporary music. Info: 604-980-1274 or cfuwnvwv.vcn.bc.ca.
Family and Friends Story-time: A celebration of the new Family Day holiday will take place Thursday, Feb. 7, 4-4: 30 p.m. at Lynn Valley library, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. There will be stories, songs and fun for all ages. Registration required: 604987-0286, ext. 8141.
Email information for your non-profit, by donation or nominal fee event to [email protected].