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Emerging musicians need apply for Centennial Theatre concert series

Emerging and mid-career musicians can apply to play in a professional setting at the North Vancouver venue 🎸
A lonely mic waits onstage at Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver. Successful concert series applicants will get to play a 45-60 minute show in a professional venue setting. | Adam Turner

Have you written some promising material, and are looking to take your music to the big stage?

North Vancouver’s Centennial Theatre is now taking applications for its Aspiring Musicians Performance Series (AMPS) that will feature emerging and mid-career artists. Submissions are being accepted until June 15, with the series itself starting in October.

Then, on the first Tuesday of every other month, the theatre will feature two acts that will each play a 45 to 60 minute set. Performers will be paid an honorarium and a cut of ticket sales.

Performances will be promoted by the venue, and the shows will feature a full audio and lighting package.

Once staff has received all the submissions, they will sit down as a team and listen to all of the submissions, before responding to each one, said theatre supervisor Neil Scott. At minimum they need 10 successful entries, and could potentially add more dates if they have more.

Anyone in the Lower Mainland can apply, but priority will be given to acts from the North Shore, Scott said.

“We’ve been talking about how we get more young people in here,” he said. “One of our more recent hires is somebody who also has a very strong music background … he told us that one of the problems emerging musicians have on the North Shore is that there aren’t really any venues that they can rent that are affordable.”

“So they don’t really get a chance to showcase their talent. And we realize that we have a solution to that,” Scott continued. “They’d have the experience of performing in a professional venue.”

He encourages anyone who’s interested to apply.

“We want to be able to help the emerging artists – this is great community outreach and artist development, and something that as a commission we’re committed to,” he said.

Interested musicians should send a brief write-up about themselves or their band along with an audio or video sample of their work to [email protected].