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Karate is for 'knowing yourself'

BEFORE karate instructor Hamid Tarighatbin learned the martial art he now teaches, he used to think of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

BEFORE karate instructor Hamid Tarighatbin learned the martial art he now teaches, he used to think of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

But what he teaches to his students each week at the North Shore Neighbourhood House is an art form much less Hollywood and much more humble.

"My teacher, or sensei, in Iran was a really humble person and really strong," said Tarighatbin, a former professional soccer player. "He taught me the martial art and that the martial art is not for fighting, it's for knowing yourself."

First Tarighatbin took that skill to competitions, competing nationally and provincially in Canada since arriving in the country about 11 years ago. For the past six years he has passed on those same techniques of the Shotokan style to students, which he describes as the most beautiful of the four original styles.

He runs classes starting at four years old, covering everything from self-discipline to self-defense, and tailors the training based on how serious the student is - some are more interested in the physical activity and fun, while others are there for competitions, he said.

Tarighatbin teaches onehour classes, but can increase that to one-and-a-half hours for higher belt levels and for students who are interested in extra training.

"We do have people there for fun, and the people who are serious, I will add the extra class for them," he said, adding there are one-on-one options available as well. "For students who are competing, they train three or four days per week."

This winter, two students will travel to Vernon for the B.C. Winter Games, while 10 are also preparing to try out for the provincial teams, and Tarighatbin said there are a lot of other competitions to keep people motivated as they hone their skills.

Classes run year-round for three month sections, though students can join any time and at any age, four years old and up. For more information and to register for classes starting Jan. 3, call 604-987-8138 ext. 210.

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