UNIVERSITY: the final frontier.
Academically speaking, that is. From elementary school to high school to university, all the schooling we go through leads up to our final release into the real world. And although the transitions through each level of learning are greatly varied, each helps to shape us as individuals as we learn and grow during more than a decade of schooling.
Elementary school to high school was a difficult transition for some.
While many children nearly had to be pried off the walls of their old elementary schools, others relished the newly presented challenge of secondary school and were even more excited to graduate from their wooden cubbies to the sturdy metal lockers that high school had to offer.
As we struggled and succeeded throughout the five years spent in high school, at some times we felt it would never end and prayed for the day that it finally would. Other times we wished we could stay frozen in a nostalgic high school time capsule forever.
When high school finally came to a close, students reminisced about their past school years while simultaneously losing their minds over final exams and the decision of where they would attend university in September.
Although we know that all good things must come to an end, we're sure that each new experience will bring more excitement than we expect it to.
In the years throughout our school careers, friends and enemies were lost and gained and new experiences were had. And through it all, we've learned and grown enough as people to take these experiences and use them in the real world, where our lives can truly begin.
Victoria Fawkes graduated from secondary school in June. She will begin her communications studies at Capilano University this fall.