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Curry Mussels and Clams with Apple

INGREDIENTS 2½ to 3½ lbs Mussels or Clams 1 to 2 sliced whole green apples 200g of Thai House Yellow Curry sauce 1 full minced ginger 1 chopped cilantro 1 can of Chicken broth INSTRUCTIONS In a pot add the full can of chicken broth and boil the mus

INGREDIENTS 2½ to 3½ lbs Mussels or Clams

1 to 2 sliced whole green apples

200g of Thai House Yellow Curry sauce

1 full minced ginger

1 chopped cilantro

1 can of Chicken broth

INSTRUCTIONS In a pot add the full can of chicken broth and boil the mussels or clams until they are fully cooked and the shells are open. Drain and put aside the mussels and clams.

In a saucepan gently bring to boil the Thai House Yellow Curry sauce and add the apple slices, ginger and cilantro. Add the Mussels or Clams and heat to a simmer until fully cooked.

Serve as an appetizer or entrée accompanied with crusty bread or steamed rice.