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Campus life is key

Personalized learning gives students the opportunity to excel beyond even their own personal expectations.

Personalized learning gives students the opportunity to excel beyond even their own personal expectations. At Shawnigan personal excellence is embedded in our education philosophy and underpins our mission statement to "lead young people in the pursuit of personal excellence through the challenges of a well-rounded education."

We see each student as an individual who brings a unique blend of talents and skills into our community. Schedules are built based on the student and focused on their passions and aptitudes while also ensuring support for any areas of struggle are in place to boost a student's skill-set. Course loads can be constructed to advance capable students a grade level in areas of strength while still providing the basics of a contemporary education. The ability to tailor timetables to suit students' specific needs assures that each child is provided the balance and stimulation necessary to perform to the best of their ability.

Moreover, we strengthen the link between learning and teaching by focusing on a student-based curriculum that engages pupils as partners in their education. In addition to small classes with an average of 15 students, Shawnigan also offers daily tutorial sessions after classes for additional one-on-one interaction.

At Shawnigan, teachers are more than just teachers. Our "round the clock" residential program makes teacher interaction an integral aspect of personalized learning. Students engage in regular one-on-one dialogues with their teachers outside of the classroom, taking class material into a whole new context. These interactions stimulate young minds and challenge them to explore beyond the traditional curriculum and initiate their own learning processes.

The connection between student and teacher that thrives outside the classroom also insures that over-and under-committed students do not slip through the cracks. Because teachers are not restricted to interaction with students only in the classroom, Shawnigan faculty have all the information necessary to quickly perceive when a specific learning plan needs to be evaluated.

Teachers also have the freedom to make changes quickly before difficulties become insurmountable. This could mean advancing a grade 10 student into a Grade 11 science while at the same time offering English assistance in the Writing Centre during the evening. The residential program is the foundation of personalized learning at Shawnigan. Current students and alumni alike affirm that the meaningful relationships they have built with adults in and outside the classrooms at Shawnigan are a major contributing factor both in their complete and successful education while at school and in preparing them for their future.