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Bearfoot Bistro’s World Oyster Invitational and Bloody Caesar Battle

Some things are just better together. Take Ketchup for instance. Who would even touch that stuff if it weren’t for fries? And I think we can all agree that burgers are just better with beer.

Some things are just better together. Take Ketchup for instance. Who would even touch that stuff if it weren’t for fries? And I think we can all agree that burgers are just better with beer. But for this epicure, no pairing packs the punch of a dozen (or three) raw oysters and a spicy caesar. It’s a match made in fooze (food/booze) heaven and the folks at Bearfoot Bistro have been honouring this union for seven years. 

Oyster Fest

The World Oyster Invitational and Bloody Caesar Battle is the must-do event at Whistler’s Cornucopia. I know this because this November I was there; throwing back unlimited Westcoast freshies from Sawmill Bay, sipping from 23 wineries, three breweries, six distilleries and enjoying unique Clamato concoctions from master mixologists. Who knew that soya sauce could elevate your caesar game? Matt Whela—that’s who. It was the secret ingredient in his gin based cocktail and he won the $1,000 prize for best caesar.

Erin Cebula

Over at the MainStage, shucking hot shots and mollusc authorities like Fortes’ Oyster Bob bat-tled it out for bragging rights and a $5,000 grand prize. All while Olympian-turned-TV Host Jon Montgomery entertained the crowd with shellfish facts and funnies. In less time than it takes for me to burn toast, competitors would crack, clean and present 30 slurp-ready shellfish. All without spilling precious oyster liquor or any blood.

Bearfoot bistro

In the end, Jason Nagy from Flyjin Montreal was crowned the oyster victor, but let’s get real folks. At an event this delicious—we all win.

Whistler’s Cornucopia’s Food and Drink Festival runs 10 days every November.