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Halfmoon Happenings: Gratitude for the impromptu road crew

Facebook praise for Redrooffs Road pot hole fixers
Someone filling pot holes
Volunteers were out fixing the damaged section of Redrooffs Road, near the Cove Beach development.

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! As we say good-bye to 2021, we look forward to a better road ahead in 2022. Although the start of the year brought crazy weather with more snow, rain and wind, along with health regulations with a new variant, there still is hope for better days ahead. Let’s “stay the course” and continue to be respectful of others during these unprecedented times.

After the latest windstorm, some of our hiking trails sustained some damage from fallen trees and were covered with lots of debris. Our trusty volunteer ‘trail clean-up crew’ was at it again clearing the pathways and ensuring that the trails are safe. Thank-you to Daniel Z and all the volunteers who helped, you are all greatly appreciated!

The damaged section of Redrooffs Road, near the Cove Beach development, continues to be an uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous driving experience. The pot holes are very large and may soon cause damage to vehicles. Most drivers are aware of the dangers and slow to a crawl while navigating through this section. At the time of writing this column, it has been reported that Capilano Highways, who maintain the roadways, have been busy fixing problems in other areas of the Sunshine Coast. Some brave souls have taken action during the last few weeks and have been filling the holes, using their own shovels, rakes and buckets. Recently three men were at the site filling the pot holes with gravel from the roadside and many took to Facebook to thank them. Most of the comments were positive and very grateful with even one “will you marry me” request. Thank-you to all the volunteers who have been doing whatever they can to make this a safer and less bumpy section to travel and we look forward to the highway crews tending to this site soon.

School District 46 advised that “all adult facility bookings are cancelled until at least January 18, 2022.” This cancellation includes pickleball, which is scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the gym from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Regular play will continue in alignment with provincial health orders. Stay tuned. If you would like more information or have any questions regarding pickleball (hosted by the Halfmoon Bay Community Association - HBCA), please contact Tim Dayton at [email protected] or Don Cunliffe at [email protected].

Students attending the Halfmoon Bay Elementary Community School were welcomed back last Monday and the breakfast “Grab and Go” program began again on Tuesday. Funds donated through the Help for Families fundraiser organized by the Halfmoon Bay Community Association will continue to support this program which will include some hot items soon and will also help support ongoing programs at the school and in the community. Thank-you to all the generous donations and continued support.

If you have any ideas for column content or have a community event or story you would like to share, please send ideas and suggestions to [email protected].

Be safe, be gentle, and always be kind.