Artemis Gallery: 104C-4390 Gallant Ave., North Vancouver. Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 12: 30-5 p.m. Info: 604-929-4354 or [email protected].
Artists for Kids Gallery: 810 West 21st St., North Vancouver. Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., weekends from noon to 4 p.m. Info: 604-903-3798 or www.artists4kidscom.
The Bakehouse: 2453 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Bakehouse in Edgemont Village: 1050 Queens Rd., North Vancouver.
B.C. Mills Museum at Lynn Headwater Park: 4900 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. Info: 604-224-5739.
Bellevue Gallery: 2475 Bellevue Ave., West Vancouver. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5: 30 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and outside gallery hours by appointment. Info: www.
Binkley Sculpture Studios: 535 East First St., North Vancouver. Info: or 604-984-8574.
Brewster's Coffee: 2436 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-5: 30 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.-5: 30 p.m.
Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Info: 604-925-9820. BrushStrokes Gallery: Lonsdale Quay, 123 Carrie Cates Court, North Vancouver. Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 11: 30 a.m.-6: 30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11: 30 a.m.-7 p.m. Info:
Buckland Southerst Gallery: 2460 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-922-1915.
Cafe for Contemporary Art: 140 East Esplanade, North Vancouver. Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Info: 778-340-3379 or [email protected].
Capilano Library: 3045 Highland Blvd., North Vancouver. Info: 604-987-4471 or
Caroun Art Gallery: 1403 Bewicke Ave., North Vancouver. Info:, 778-372-0765 or [email protected]. Gallery hours: Tuesday to Sunday, noon to 8 p.m.
Miniature Painting Exhibition: Paintings from 15th century to present will run until Feb. 14.
Casa Del Caffe: 116 East 14th St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-983-2233.
Centennial Theatre: 2300 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info:
CityScape Community Art Space: 335 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: 604-988-6844 or Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Printmaking: A diverse exhibition by members of the Art Institute of Capilano University Feb. 3March 3. Artist talk and demonstration: Saturday, Feb. 11, 1-3 p.m. Registration requested: 604-988-6844 or [email protected].
Call for Artists: The North Vancouver Community Arts Council is seeking 2D artists for an upcoming themed exhibition titled Bold and Beautiful which will celebrate the seasonal rebirth of flowers. Deadline for submissions: Saturday, Feb. 11, 4 p.m.
Coastal Patterns Gallery: 582 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island. Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, noon-5 p.m. or by appointment. Info: 604-762-4623, 778-997-9408 or www.coastalpatternsgallery. com.
Delany's Coffee House: 2424 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-921-4466.
5enses Exhibition: Opening reception Thursday, Feb. 9, 6-8 p.m.
Delany's Coffee House: Park Royal Village, West Vancouver.
Art Exhibition: Gabriele Maurus' work will be on display until Feb. 7. Info: District Foyer Gallery: 355 West Queens Rd., North Vancouver. Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 8: 30 a.m.-4: 30 p.m. Info: 604-988-6844 or
The North Vancouver Community Arts Council will present an exhibition of drawings and paintings by Roksan Kohen and glass art by Larissa Blokhuis until Feb. 8.
The North Vancouver Community Arts Council will present an exhibition of paintings by Bill Adams and clay art by Denise Jeffrey Feb. 8-April 3. Opening reception: Thursday, Feb. 9, 6: 308: 30 p.m.
District Library Gallery: 1277 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. Info:
The North Vancouver Community Arts Council will present "Creature Curiosity," an exhibit of David Camisa's paintings until Feb. 29.
Feast in the Village: 3183 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver. Info: 778-340-2223.
Ferry Building Gallery: 1414 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver. Admission to all shows is free. Info: 604-925-7290 or
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Mondays.
History of European Art: On film with Professor William Kloss of the Smithsonian Mondays until May 7, 7-9 p.m. Drop-in: $8.
Dialogue with Nature: An exhibition of watercolour, etching and egg tempera by artists Susan Hall, Mong Yen, Jean Redpath and Jongsook Lee will run until Feb. 19. Meet the artists: Saturday, Feb. 4, 2 p.m.
The Artists of British Columbia Volume 3 book is now available and sells for $20.
The Gallery at Artisan Square: 587 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island. Info: 604-947-2454 or Hours: Friday-Sunday, noon-4 p.m. Gallery Jones: 1531 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-926-2233.
Gallery YoYo: 312 East Esplanade, North Vancouver. Gallery hours: Wednesday to Saturday, 1-5: 30 p.m. or by appointment. Info: 6049832896.
Graffiti Co. Art Studio: 171 East First St., North Vancouver. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday, 1: 30-6: 30 p.m. or by appointment. Info: 604-980-1699 or [email protected].
Kay Meek Centre: 1700 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver. Info: or 604-913-3634.
On Our Walls: An exhibit of watercolour paintings by Janet Trerise will be on display until Feb. 27.
Lions Bay Art Gallery: 350 Centre Rd., Lions Bay. Gallery hours: Monday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: or 604-921-7865.
Featuring established and upcoming artists. Lynnmour Art Studio and Gallery: 3011467 Crown St., North Vancouver. Info: www. or 604-929-4001. Gallery hours: Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. or by appointment. Contemporary and abstract paintings by Gordon Oliver, Robert Botlak and Gary W. Eder.
Molly Nye House: 940 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver.
Exhibition: Artwork by students from 4Cats Arts Studio in Edgemont Village and Queensbury will be available for viewing Monday-Friday, 11: 30 a.m.-4 p.m. until Feb. 27.
The Music Bo 1564 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver.
Mystic Mask Art Studio: 319 West 28th St., North Vancouver.
Mystique Mask Party: A one year celebration with a display of original artwork on canvas Friday, Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. Drawings and prints will be available for purchase. Info: www.mysticmask. com.
North Shore: Various North and West Vancouver locations.
North Shore Art Crawl: An invitation is extended to all North Shore galleries, studio artists and artisans to open their galleries/studios to the public in celebration of B.C. Art Week April 21 and 22, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: nsartcrawl. ca or Norman at 604-209-1197.
North Vancouver City Library: 120 West 14th St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-998-3455 or
North Vancouver Community History Centre: 3203 Institute Rd., North Vancouver. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Info and registration: 604-990-3700, ext. 8016.
As Dreamt, As Built - Maps and Plans of North Vancouver. An ongoing exhibit of documents that highlight the community's development.
North Vancouver Museum: 209 West Fourth St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-990-3700, ext. 8016 or
North Vancouver Experience, an ongoing exhibit defining life in North Vancouver.
Park Royal: Unit #750, North Mall, West Vancouver. Hours: Seven days a week, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Info:
An Exhibition of paintings by Daniel Izzard will
be on display until March 30. There will also be opportunities for purchases.
Presentation House Gallery: 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver.
Gallery hours: Wednesday -Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Info: 604-986-1351 or www. C.1983: Part one of a two-part group exhibition that looks at how Vancouver artists worked with camera images around 1983 will run until March 11.
Presentation House Satellite Gallery: 560 Seymour St., Vancouver. Gallery hours: Wednesday-Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Info: www.satellitegallery. ca.
Ron Andrews Community Space: 931 Lytton St., North Vancouver. Info: 6049807182.
Loads of Colour: Painter Beatrice Watson and ceramist Liz de Beer's work will be on display until Feb. 26.
Rubble Gallery: 1879 Powell St., Vancouver.
Art Heals: North Shore residents, father and daughter, Roar and Katarina Thorsen's therapeutic works will be on display until Feb. 7. A closing reception will be held Thursday, Feb. 9, 7: 30-9: 30 p.m. to fundraise for the Thorsen's upcoming books.
Seymour Art Gallery: 4360 Gallant Ave., North Vancouver. Gallery hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. Info: 604-924-1378 or
Discovery - Water: An annual juried exhibition for 20 new and emerging artists that reflects the theme "water" will run until Feb. 5.
Intersections: Full Circle Art Collective artists printmaking works will be on display from Feb. 7-March 4. Opening reception: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7-9 p.m. Artist talk with Brigette Potter-Mael: Sunday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m.
Silk Purse Arts Centre: 1570 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver. Gallery hours: Tuesday to Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Info: 604-925-7292 or
A Moment of Appreciation: An exhibition to celebrate the Chinese New Year with Eileen Fong's brush painting works will run until Feb. 5.
Surface and Soul: Italian plaster artwork by Jenn Williamson and pottery by Laurie McCallum will be on display Feb. 7-19. Opening reception: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 6-8 p.m.
North Shore Artists Guild members will hold an exhibit Feb. 21-March 4. Opening reception: Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6-8 p.m.
Starfire Studio: 6607 Royal Ave., West Vancouver. Info: 604-922-5510 or
Studio Art Gallery at Capilano University: 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver. Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Studio 195 Gallery: 195 Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. Hours: WednesdayFriday, 2-5 p.m., Sunday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and by appointment.
Studio Show: An exhibition of two and three dimensional works by Gabriele Maurus will run until Feb. 8. Info: www.
Tartooful: 3183 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Info: 6049240122 or
West Vancouver Memorial Library: 1950 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 6049257407 or
Canvas Treasures: Giclée canvases printed with images from UBC library's special collections will be on display until Feb. 29.
West Vancouver Municipal West Vancouver Museum: 680 17th St., West Vancouver. Museum hours: TuesdaySaturday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: 604-925-7295 or www.
At the Intersection of Art and Medicine: An exhibit of original anatomical artwork in pen and ink, wash and carbon will run until March 10.
CONCERTS Capilano University
Performing Arts Theatre: 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver. Tickets: 604-990-7810 or www.capilanou. ca/nscucentre.
Cap Jazz Series - Birth of the Cool and Beyond: Alan Matheson Nonet in a concert that will feature some of Vancouver's best jazz musicians Friday, Feb. 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $30/$27.
Cap Global Roots Series: Eric Bibb will perform a concert blending blues, gospel and soul Sunday, Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $30/$27.
Vancouver Kiwanis Jazz Festival will run from Feb. 2224, 8: 30 a.m.-4: 30 p.m. There will be lunchtime concerts at 12: 30 p.m. with NiteCap performing on Wednesday, "A" Band on Thursday and Cory Weeds and the Tilden Trio on Friday. Admission by a suggested donation of $3-$5.
Info: Cap Global Roots Series: The Marc Atkinson Quartet will perform their brand of gypsy jazz with blues, classical and roots music Saturday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $30/$27.
Kay Meek Centre: 1700 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver. Tickets: www.kaymeekcentre. com or 604-913-3634.
The Delshodegan Ensemble will perform Sunday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. Tickets: $40.
Lynn Valley United Church: 3201 Mountain Hwy., North Vancouver.
Friday Night Live: A weekly series with Improv actors AddLibretto playing hosts to musical guests Fridays at 7: 30 p.m.
Mount Seymour United Church: 1200 Parkgate Ave., North Vancouver.
Presentation House Theatre: 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver.
Jazz at Presentation House Studio: A weekly series embracing the full spectrum of jazz and improvised music Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Tickets: $10 at the door.
Silk Purse Arts Centre: 1570 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver.
Info and reservations: 604-925-7292 or
Tuesdays with Lions Gate Sinfonia: Classical music inspired by the Surface and Soul exhibition Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 10: 30 a.m. Tickets: $15/$12.
Mahalia: Dalannah Gail Bowen will perform a program of Mahalia Jackson Thursday, Feb. 9 at 10: 30 a.m. Tickets: $15/$12.
Sing Along Wednesdays: Composer Michael Conway will lead a sing along to show tunes and other favourites the third Wednesday of every month, beginning Feb. 15, 10: 30 a.m.-noon. Song books will be provided. Drop-in fee: $5 at the door.
Pour le Plaisir - French Melodies: Soprano Heather Pawsey and pianist Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa will perform a concert of French music Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10: 30 a.m. Tickets: $15/$12.
The Bergman Duo will perform a piano concert Thursday, Feb. 23 at 10: 30 a.m. Tickets: $15/$12.
Red Onion Rhythm Kings Rule: A performance of Dixieland style music Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7: 30 p.m. Tickets: $20/$18.
Sing Along Wednesdays: "Mr. Piano" Peter Vanderhorst will play the piano to lead a sing along of favourite songs the first Wednesday of every month, 10 a.m.-noon. Song books will be provided. Drop-in fee: $5 at the door.
Silver Harbour Centre: 144 East 22nd St., North Vancouver.
St. Andrew's United Church: 1044 St. Georges St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-985-0408 or
Cecilia Ensemble Women's Choir of Capilano University and guests will perform a benefit concert for the Parkinson Society BC Sunday, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m. Suggested donation: $15 ($5 for children twelve and under).
Tom Lee Music: 929 Granville St., Vancouver.
Recital: West Vancouver resident and pianist Hey Jung Oh will perform Thursday, Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. Free.
West Vancouver Memorial Library: 1950 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-925-7407 or
Friday Night Concert Series: Trio Adiantum with violinist Jenny Essers, pianist Martha Brickman and cellist Nathan Whittaker will perform Friday, Feb. 3 at 7: 30 p.m. Free.
West Vancouver Seniors' Activity Centre: 695 21st St., West Vancouver.
Anne MacDonald Studio: 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver.
Grand Theft Improv: An improv sketch show that uses audiences suggestions to create 90 minutes of stories, scenes, songs and comedic chaos, the last Sunday of every month at 7 p.m. Tickets: $10.
The Anza Club: 3 West Eighth Ave., Vancouver.
Lost Girls of Neverland: A burlesque style musical revue by Capilano University graduates Feb. 16-19, 22-24, 26 and 29-March 3 at 8 p.m. For 19+, partial nudity. Admission: $15-$25. Tickets:
Capilano University Performing Arts Theatre: 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver. Tickets: 604-990-7810 or www.capilanou. ca/nscucentre.
Cap Theatre Series - The Crucible: A story set in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts about the consequences of a vengeful teenager who accuses a rival of witchcraft Feb. 15-18 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 18 at 2 p.m. Tickets: $22/$14/ $8.
Kay Meek Centre: 1700 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver. Info and tickets: or 604-913-3634.
Don Quixote: A tale of courage and madness based on the novel by Miguel de Cervantes Feb. 6 and 7 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $43/$39/$24.
You Can't Take it With You: A stage production by students of Sentinel secondary will run from Feb. 7 to 10 at 7: 30 p.m. and Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. Admission: $15. Tickets: 604-981-1130.
Presentation House Theatre: 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver. Tickets and info: 604-990-3474 or Stones in His Pockets: A comedy about a quiet Irish community turned upside down by the arrival of a Hollywood movie shoot Feb. 8-18. Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8 p.m. with matinees Saturdays at 4 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets: $12-$28.
St. Martin's Church Hall: 195 East Windsor Rd., North Vancouver.
Theatre at Hendry Hall: 815 East 11th St., North Vancouver. Reservations: 604-983-2633 or
The Trouble with Richard: A romantic comedy about a quiet guy's life becoming complicated Feb. 9-11, 15-18 and 22-25 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $18/$16.
Capilano University Performing Arts Theatre: 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver.
Rhythm in Motion -Dancers Helping Dancers in Need: OneDance Creative Art Centre will hold a fundraising performance to support North Shore dancers who would otherwise be unable to attend classes due to financial difficulty Saturday, Feb. 4 at 6: 30 p.m. A variety of dance styles will be performed as well as live musical performances. Admission: $25. Tickets:
Centennial Theatre: 2300 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: Box office: 604-984-4484.
Luv 2 Dance: RNB Dance and Theatre Arts with guests from Lamondance will perform a variety of dances Saturday, Feb. 4 at 7: 30 p.m. Admission: $19/$11.
Kay Meek Centre: 1700 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver. Tickets: or 604-913-3634.
Musically Speaking: Ballet Jorgen will perform Monday, Feb. 13 at 1: 30 p.m. Tickets: $20.
Showcase 2012: Pro Arte Centre students will perform a full range of dance genres Saturday, Feb. 18 at 7: 30 p.m. Tickets: $25/$17.
Beans on Lonsdale: 1804 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: 6049852326. Live music every Thursday, 8 p.m.
Brewster's Coffee: 2436 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-925-9820.
The Eagles Club Starlight Room: 170 West Third St., North Vancouver.
East Side Marios: Lonsdale Quay, 123 Carrie Cates Court, North Vancouver.
Jack Lonsdale's Pub: 1433 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: 6049867333. Live music every Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m.
La Zuppa: 1544 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: 604-986-6556.
SFU Philosopher's Cafe: Everyone is welcome to join this discussion with moderator Sean Zwagerman Saturday, Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. Topic: The decline of the educated Canadian man. Info: 778-782-5215 or www.
SFU Philosopher's Cafe: Everyone is welcome to join this discussion with moderator Martin Hunt Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. Topic: Has our political process gone astray? Info: 778-782-5215 or www.philosopherscafe. net.
Fiesta Flamenco every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, tapas and wine, 6: 30 p.m., music, 8: 30 p.m.
Legion #118: 123 West 15th St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-985-1115 or info@
The LW Club: 1515 Barrow St., North Vancouver. Info: 604-253-7141 or www. Doors: 9 p.m. Open mic every Wednesday hosted by White Lies.
Narrows Pub: 1979 Spicer Rd., North Vancouver.
Ocean Club Restaurant and Lounge: 105-100 Park Royal, West Vancouver. Info: 604-926-2326.
Live jazz every Tuesday, 7 p.m.; live DJ Thursday to Sunday, 11 p.m.-3 a.m.
Queens Cross Pub: 2989 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: www.
Adam Woodall performs acoustic music every Sunday, 7: 30-11: 30 p.m.
The Raven Pub: 1052 Deep Cove Rd., North Vancouver. Info:
Adam Woodall performs acoustic music every Thursday, 7: 30-11: 30 p.m.
Red Lion Bar & Grill: 2427 Marine Drive, West Vancouver. Info: 604-926-8838.
Jazz Pianist Randy Doherty will perform every Friday and Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m.
Rusty Gull: 175 East First St., North Vancouver. Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; Mostly Marley performs every Sunday, 7 p.m.
Sailor Hagar's Brew Pub: 235 West First St., North Vancouver. Info: 6049843087. Live music every Friday and Saturday, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
The Village Taphouse: Park Royal Village, West Vancouver. Info: 604-922-8882.
Waves Coffee House: 3050 Mountain Hwy., North Vancouver.
The Celtic Medley Song and String Player's Showcase comes to Waves the first Saturday of every month, 7: 30-9: 30 p.m. Free. Anyone interested in performing can phone Doug Medley at 604-985-5646.
Centennial Theatre: 2300 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: www. Box office: 604-984-4484.
Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival: A series of extreme adventure films and presentations will run from Feb. 10 to 18 at 7: 30 p.m. Tickets: $20/$18. Info and schedule:
Kay Meek Centre: 1700 Mathers Ave., West Vancouver. Info and tickets: www. or 604-913-3634.
Movies at the Meek - Benda Bilili: The story of a Kinshasa band of homeless handicapped artists Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7: 30 p.m. Tickets: $12.
Lynn Valley Library: 1277 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. Info: 6049840286, ext. 8144 or www.nvdpl. ca.
SFU Philosopher's Cafe: Everyone is welcome to join this discussion with moderator Mark Battersby Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. Topic: Charity and justice - why should we give to other members of our society or other countries? Info: 778-782-5215 or www.philosopherscafe. net.
Park & Tilford Cineplex Odeon Theatre: 200-333 Brooksbank Ave., North Vancouver.
The North Shore International Film Series: The North Shore Community Arts Council will screen Canadian, independent and foreign films throughout the fall, winter and spring. A Separation will play Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. Tickets: $11. Info: www.nvartscouncil. ca/events/north-shoreinternational-film-series or 604-988-6844.
Silk Purse Arts Centre: 1570 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver. Info: 604-925-7292 or www.
North Shore Cric Crac Storytelling Evenings presented by the Vancouver Society of Storytelling take place the first Sunday of every month, 7-9 p.m. Feb. 5 will feature Wong Wing-Siu, Jane Slemon and more with music by The Deaf Dogs. Fee: $7/$5.
West Vancouver Memorial Library: 1950 Marine Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-925-7407 or www.westvanlib. org.
Music Talks - Masterpieces of Chamber Music: A series with Keith Lawrence that will examine chamber music Thursdays until Feb. 9, 10: 30 a.m.-12: 30 p.m.