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In the Community

Great time to give thanks

AS fall sets in, it's a good time to look back and acknowledge the hard work of our friends, neighbours and colleagues who have spent the last few months keeping the North Shore a great place to live.

New book sheds light on WV's past

DOES it help to be a bit of a detective when gathering images for a book on community history? "Oh, yes," says John Moir, curator of Cottages to Community: The Story of West Vancouver's Neighbourhoods, commissioned by the West Vancouver Historical So

What's going on

WEDNESDAY The Ambleside Orchestra rehearses Wednesdays, 3: 305: 30 p.m. at Highlands United Church, 3255 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver under the direction of Nicolas Krusek. There are opportunities for string players.

Community bulletin board

Drop-in Book Club: A new club will start Wednesday, Oct. 19 and meet every six weeks through June from 7 to 8: 30 p.m. at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St.

What's going on

Drop In, Log In, Learn: Free one-on-one tech tutorials for adult beginners will take place from 1: 15 to 2: 15 p.m. on the last Sunday of every month until May 2012 at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St.

Options for volunteers

THE FOLLOWING is a selection of volunteer opportunities from various community organizations, made available through Volunteer North Shore, a service of North Shore Community Resources Society.

North Shore groups vie for 2011 Aviva fund

THE third annual Aviva Community Fund competition launched recently and $1 million is up for grabs. According to a written statement, the annual initiative, presented by Aviva Canada Inc.

Young artist of the week

Art teachers: Marnie Armstrong and Dianne Silverwood Favourite art: oil and pastels Favourite artist: Ross Penhall Her teachers write: Emmas enjoyment of art is evident from the smile on her face when she is creating a work of art.

Green guide

Nourish Your Community: Too much fruit on your trees? If you have a hard time eating all of your fruit, don't let it go to waste. Donate it.

Community bulletin board

Are Your Family Roots in a Tangle? The genealogy librarian at West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Dr., will be on hand to help anyone frustrated by a tricky family tree Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2-4 p.m. Info: 604-925-7400 or www. westvanlibrary.