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LETTER: Trail rides can end with displeasure of dog doo

Dear Editor: Re: Beaches Too Precious for Pooches ?, March 22 Mailbox. I read the letter suggesting that dogs be allowed onto the district’s beaches with great dismay.

Dear Editor:

Re: Beaches Too Precious for Pooches?, March 22 Mailbox.

I read the letter suggesting that dogs be allowed onto the district’s beaches with great dismay. Dogs on the North Shore already enjoy the availability of two beaches to run and frolic on, but to suggest dogs should have access to all the district’s beaches is taking it too far.

I thoroughly enjoy the area’s trails and beaches not only on foot but on two wheels as well. Unfortunately, some of my rides can end with the displeasure of dog doo being thrown up from the bike wheels, because uncaring dog owners don’t bother picking up after their dogs.

Not to mention the little blue bags left along the trails. That’s all we need to arrive at a beach to be greeted by little blue bags awaiting pickup by someone. Nice way to start a visit to a so-called pristine beach.

I support the idea put forward by a West Vancouver councillor about the DNA testing. I love dogs and they are only doing what nature intended, but some owners are irresponsible and this idea (DNA testing) is one way to make them more responsible and keep our beaches for people; the dogs already have theirs.

Howard Whishaw
West Vancouver

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