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LETTER: Sunset Beach ‘protestival’ the ultimate in escapism

Dear Editor: In light of the recent 4/20 event on Sunset Beach and the resulting cleanup, it seems that increasingly there is a broad theme of lack of responsibility in our society.

Dear Editor:

In light of the recent 4/20 event on Sunset Beach and the resulting cleanup, it seems that increasingly there is a broad theme of lack of responsibility in our society.

Sorry to be a party pooper, but does this legalization of marijuana not remind anyone of Aldous Huxley’s imaginary drug “soma” in his foreboding futuristic novel Brave New World? The drug was government sanctioned and supplied to the masses. The similarities seem too great: a drug to make high when sad or to calm down when overstimulated. I personally think we’re creating a future society of potheads that can be controlled easily.

This begs the question: from what exactly are we trying to escape with marijuana? Responsibility? The theme in society seems to be escapism, from the proliferation of happy vacation commercials to lottery commercials to hip car commercials (e.g., the travel ad about discovering China is aired every commercial break during CTV News at 11:30 as if it is some sort of brainwashing experiment).

Add to that, increased tribalism through Internet information glut, setting us all apart from each other (“everyone’s a victim” as my brother and his friends used to joke in the 1980s). Add unaffordable property prices, the “gig” work culture and politicians that earn no respect from us. Put all that together and we have created a generation of sceptics.

What’s up? Don’t flee from responsibility and fall into the trap of ease. Become responsible and show that you can keep this civilization advancing.

Christopher Gehry
North Vancouver

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