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LETTER: Hike like a local? Here’s how to really do it right

Dear Editor: Re: Here’s How to Hike Like a North Shore Local , June 11 Laugh All You Want column. I always enjoy Andy Prest’s humour in his columns. I am responding to his column about crowded North Shore hiking trails.

Dear Editor:

Re: Here’s How to Hike Like a North Shore Local, June 11 Laugh All You Want column.

I always enjoy Andy Prest’s humour in his columns. I am responding to his column about crowded North Shore hiking trails. I have a few suggestions that might make the crowds slightly less aggravating:

1. Try to keep noise to a dull roar. If you must talk incessantly, talk quietly. It is not necessary to great each and every person who you pass with a “Hi, how are ya, lovely day isn’t it?” – particularly if they are alone and appear to be peacefully silent. Why must you bother them? Some people should be allowed to hike in silence if they choose. Respect them.

2. Please limit the size of hiking groups on weekends to six or less. Large groups make a lot of noise and take up lots of space.

3. Please keep your dog on a leash. It may be “friendly” to you, but it may chew off my arm, or, at least jump all over me with muddy paws. How am I supposed to know? Putting the dog’s “stuff” in a bag and leaving it by the side of the trail is not “picking up after your dog.”

4. Let people pass (who are hiking faster) or pass people quietly if you are passing them. However, there is absolutely no reason why I have to jump frantically out of your way because you are trail running. Use a track if the rest of hikers are too slow for you.

5. I will just remind everyone of the excellent advice frequently given by North Shore Rescue: Wear proper hiking boots, be ready to spend the night out if necessary, tell someone where you’re going and don’t hike alone.

Respecting others who may want to use the trails is the only way of dealing with the increasing congestion on the trails.

Linda Kowalski
West Vancouver

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