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LETTER: Courage needed for housing crisis cure

Dear Editor: Why do we need census results to find the cause of stagnant populations and gridlocked traffic on the North Shore? It’s already obvious: fear.

Dear Editor:

Why do we need census results to find the cause of stagnant populations and gridlocked traffic on the North Shore? It’s already obvious: fear.

Homeowners demand municipal politicians kill any projects that even whisper “high density” or “low rent,” fearing lower property values. Councils do what they’re asked to keep voters happy, fearing the next election. And municipal staffers don’t push back, fearing for their jobs.

Realtors and developers fear lower profits from lower values, so protect them – lining Liberal pockets with millions so Premier Christy Clark does nothing meaningful, for fear of losing the funds keeping her leaky election ship afloat.

And it’s not like the mass media will say much to risk the ad and subscription income those players bring; plus truth is hardly popular these days.

Our system doesn’t allow the courage needed for a cure: immediate prioritization of high-density low-cost housing. No matter how much local NIMBYs whine.

So things will keep getting worse, as our jobs are filled by commuters, and our lots by detached homes.

Until one night, when the Big One hits. With our emergency, transportation, medical and community service workers in bed. In their affordable homes. Across unusable bridges.

Making those fears suddenly seem very petty.

Ryan Benson
North Vancouver

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