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LETTER: Beaches too precious for pooches?

Dear Editor: Re: Dog-doo DNA Idea Aired at WV Council , March 8 news story.

Dear Editor:

Re: Dog-doo DNA Idea Aired at WV Council, March 8 news story.

Tucked away in the article about testing West Vancouver dogs’ DNA to determine the perpetrators of evil dog doo-dooing was a reference to the impetus for one councillor to suggest such a hair-brained idea.

Apparently, in a letter to council, a brave citizen had dared to broach the possibility of amending the current bylaw to allow dogs to tread on the sacred beaches of our fair hamlet, if even just during the winter months. This humble plea was readily shot down by district staff, however, citing the “need to study environmental impacts” and the need for “very extensive consultation with the community.”

When did West Vancouver, and its predominately rugged, rocky, and unmanicured beaches, become so precious? Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, with glorious sand stretching for miles, in some of the most upscale and desirable tourist locales (Santa Barbara, Tofino, Hawaii, to name a few), thrive with the coexistence of people and their dogs; off leash even! How is it that jurisdictions such as those are so far beyond the closed-minded, fearful, restrictive mentality of our municipality?

West Van needs to stop hiding behind “environmental impacts” and “community consultation” as excuses, and just look to the wonderful examples of beach communities that have embraced the inclusion of dogs.

Lisa Brasso
West Vancouver

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