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West Vancouver water winners

A Grade 9 student from West Vancouver secondary recently took top prize ($750) for his film focused on conserving water.

A Grade 9 student from West Vancouver secondary recently took top prize ($750) for his film focused on conserving water.

The District of West Vancouver challenged students in kindergarten to Grade 12 to create videos showcasing the many ways water is wasted and what specific actions people can take to reduce water use, according to a press release.

More than 20 videos were submitted by students of all ages, each focused on one of three topics: responsible irrigation; everyone loses with leaks; or ways we waste water.

Aaron Bichard, community programs co-ordinator for the District of West Vancouver stated in the release that the level of engagement by the students was very encouraging, and the number of conversations around creative ways to conserve water was high, which is a good sign for our future water supply.

The Irrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC) sponsored the cash prizes to help raise awareness about their certification programs for their members.

First prize was awarded to West Vancouver Secondary School Grade 9 student Marko Jones for his video titled Ways we waste water (

First runner-up went to Jack Morin, a Grade 10 student from Mulgrave School ( and second runner-up was earned by Bella Hallam, a Grade 11 student from Collingwood School ( ).

Ridgeview elementary submitted the most entries, earning the participation prize of an interactive water event presented by the BC Water and Waste Association.

Metro Vancouver recently announced that the Water Shortage Response Plan will start two weeks earlier than previous years, taking effect May 15 to October 15. Showing us the importance of being water wise year round, West Vancouver students make learning about water conservation easy in their creative clips.

The inaugural student video contest was developed as part of District of West Vancouver’s commitment to promote water conservation and ensure clean drinking water for residents.

To view the winning videos and all the submissions, visit